Get Soaked

God is breathing upon His bride, gently calling her to come stand before the heat of His gaze.

Look for the expression of extravagant love to rush through your life in this hour, tumbling upward like smoke, swirling sweetly about the Throne Room of the King.

Be Careful not to compare yourself with others.

One sings with the voice of an angel, another preaches like John the Baptist; yet another sculpts, paints and creates with a burning love that will not be quenched.

Maybe you dance or write. Perhaps you create meals, rich in flavor, basted in the focused splash, sprinkle and dash which yield the meticulously timed alchemy of a delicious dish.

Are you one who consistently leads your children into Heaven’s anointed wonderland of hope and truth?

It is also possible that God’s mark of excellence rests so richly upon everything you touch in your career, that you have myriad opportunities to give glory to His Name.

I’ve left some out.

You will know where you fit as you seek His face and welcome the life and breath of His Spirit. Each of His kids have been given a unique way to express fiery love and explosive gratitude.

If you are not yet swimming in this River of delight, now is a time like no other, to step into the glory realm of worshiping Jesus in Spirit and Truth.

It’s time to get soaked:)

“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
(John 4:24)-nkj-